Mission, Vision & Objectives
Mission Statement
The Youth Charter believes that it is a fundamental human right that young people have access to sport, arts and cultural activity as part of their mental, physical and emotional health, wellbeing and development.
When this right is denied, the disadvantage and disaffection can lead to antisocial behaviour, gang related activity and in some cases extremism. This impacts on the quality of life, not only of the young person, but their victims, families, friends, communities, and society as a whole.
To work within communities to create opportunities for young people (in particular those who are disadvantaged and disaffected), to encourage personal development through sport, art, culture and digital activity, regardless of colour, creed or ability.
Engage young people through sport, art, culture and digital activity
Equip them with mental, physical and emotional life-skills and resilience
Empower them with the aspiration of further and higher education, employment and entrepreneurship
To Engage, Equip and Empower 21st Century Global Citizens for Life…
To invest in the potential of our 21st Century Global Citizens...
To work within communities to create opportunities for young people (in particular those who are disadvantaged and disaffected), to encourage personal development through sport, art, culture and digital activity, regardless of colour creed or ability.
To encourage business on a local, national and international level to invest in young people through the provision and support of programme and project opportunities in their communities.
To involve sports and arts personalities to act as inspirational ambassadors for young people.
To encourage a positive commitment to school attainment, behaviour and performance, identifying the benefits of sporting, artistic, cultural and digital activity and opportunities of continued education.
To encourage from an early age the mental, physical and emotional well-being benefits of a continued physically active and healthy lifestyle.
To engage, equip and empower young people to develop further or higher education, vocation training, employment and entrepreneurship to achieve their full potential for themselves, their communities and society as a whole.
Positive happiness and fulfilment through active human and social engagement
Positive mental and physical fitness for all
Commitment to excellence and collaboration for all young people and communities
Dignity, honesty, integrity and respect of self in all that we do
Legacy Development Goals
EDUCATION - attendance, attainment and performance
HEALTH - physical activity, wellbeing and active lifestyle
CITIZENSHIP - civic rights, responsibilities and youth justice
ENVIRONMENT - community cohesion, quality of life and access to facilities
FURTHER & HIGHER EDUCATION, EMPLOYMENT & ENTREPRENEURSHIP - skills training, internships and apprenticeship
Our Philosophy
“Sport is an order of chivalry, a code of ethics and aesthetics, recruiting its members from all classes and all peoples. Sport is a truce, in an era of antagonisms and conflicts, it is the respite of the Gods in which fair competition ends in respect and friendship (Olympism). Sport is education, the truest form of education, that of character. Sport is culture because it enhances life and, most importantly, does so for those who usually have the least opportunity to feast on it.”
Rene Maheu
Former Director of UNESCO
Our Inspiration
“Vision without action is a dream.
Action without vision is merely passing time.
Vision with action can change the world...”
Nelson Mandela