The Youth Charter was born as a result of this tragedy and since its birth in 1993 has attempted to provide alternative cultural activity through sport, arts and lifestyle choices that would help provide an opportunity for young people to develop in life. As is so sadly the case nowadays, whether it be Stephen Lawrence or Jamie Bulger who coincidentally lost their lives around the time of Benji’s murder, or the tragic loss of Victoria Climbié’s life that inspired ‘Every Child Matters’ it is only right and proper that Benji Stanley be remembered as the inspiration for what is now the Government’s much welcomed efforts in the recently launched ‘Youth Matters’ Green Paper.
Whilst sport, arts and other youthful attractions are not the solution to this ongoing and tragic loss of life, it has a vital role to play in engaging, motivating and inspiring responsibility and behaviours that reflect our civil and social heritage, whilst providing 21st Century Britain with a social and cultural bridge that can lead to a sense and identity of citizenship and rights and responsibilities under the rules of law. This report charts a twelve year journey born out of a Moss Side experience that has now seen the spirit and symbol of the Youth Charter extend to all four corners of the globe.
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