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This qualification is solely awarded by 1st4sport Qualifications as the recognised awarding organisation regulated by Ofqual in England and Northern Ireland and Qualifications Wales in Wales. 


The technical content for this qualification has been developed in partnership with the Youth Charter as the leading industry representatives in this domain. The Youth Charter was born out of the social deprivation, alienation, disaffection, anti-social and gang related activity that led to the death of 14 year old school boy Benji Stanley in January 1993. Since that time, the Youth Charter’s philosophy, mission, aims and objectives have been reflected in their attempt to recognise the role of sport and activity in its broadest social and cultural definition as a social vehicle of change. For further information, visit: 


The qualification and its components are listed on the Register of Regulated Qualifications; component details are contained in the appendix to this specification. This qualification is equivalent to Level 4 on the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). Further information about the EQF can be found at: 


YC SCLP 1st4Sport SCLP Qualification

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