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Carbonwise Eco Schools Project
Start Date
End Date
Salford, UK
Youth Charter, Defra, RFU, Encams and Land Securities
The Youth Charter Carbonwise Eco Schools Project, supported by Defra, RFU, Encams and Land Securities Trillium came to a conclusion at the BBC’s Salford Bus Tour event and presentation held at the Imperial War Museum on Tuesday 23rd September 2008.
Following the various ‘Carbonwise’ days held at schools across the North West, after school activities were held at the Salford schools which included soccer, rugby, basketball, music and art.
Each of the pupils who attended the ‘artwise’ sessions brought their ideas together to bring awareness of our carbon footprint, climate change and conserving energy to make a poster. This poster was then created by Youth Charter artist, Rik Cheetham. The poster was then replicated and presented to teachers and pupils of each of the participating schools in Salford, being Moorside High, Albion High and Walkden High.
Youth Charter Executive Chairman, Geoff Thompson summed up the project thus:
“This project has far exceeded its expectations of creating climate change awareness. It has brought young people together from different areas and backgrounds socially and culturally, introduced them to activities that they had not participated in previously and allowed them the opportunity to learn what is happening to our environment through energy emissions locally and globally with extra curricular attainment, pupil behaviour and school performance demonstrating a win win win for education, sport, arts and the environment in which they live. . The poster that the young people have created is a symbol of their experience and we believe that they will pass on the knowledge of what they have learned.”
The presentation of the posters was made by former Commonwealth 800m runner Diane Modahl who stated:
“This has been a wonderful project for the children to participate in. It is of vital importance that young people understand what is happening to the climate and what they can do to protect the earth and themselves for the future. All schools should experience a ‘Carbonwise Day’.”
The Carbonwise experience will see even more schools in inner city, urban and rural areas benefit from the invaluable contributions made by pupils who have participated to date in areas where young people are more interested in the environments of deprivation, anti social behaviour and the climate of fear. This programme has engaged and motivated a positive attitude with positive outcomes realised.
Future plans will see downloadable Carbonwise worksheets, interactive forums, eco friendly projects and other related learning rolled out in eco schools nationally and globally. The Carbonwise poster will also feature in an exciting national campaign with the support of Encams, the environmental agency which will provide ongoing potential for the Carbonwise experience to develop and grow with future funding and support. Exciting plans are also underway to develop the Carbonwise experience as part of the BBC Outreach Programme and School’s Out media Bus Tour.
Stakeholder Partners
Young People or Participants
Social Coaches
Legacy Development Goals
4. ENVIRONMENT - community cohesion, quality of life and access to facilities
1. EDUCATION - attendance, attainment and performance
2. HEALTH - physical activity, wellbeing and active lifestyle
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