Ronald Todd
Ronnie spent 20 years teaching in Comprehensive Schools in Manchester and East London, being Deputy Head and Head of Sixth Form of Oulder Hill Community School for over a decade. His greatest pride was coaching the First XI Football. Of his last team, 3 players become professional footballers, with skipper Andy Anson going on to become the CEO of the BOA. He was Assistant Director of Development & Innovation at Hopwood Hall College, Rochdale, where he was responsible for the College becoming one the UK’s first Centres of Vocational Excellence in Sport & Public Services. Hopwood became national champions at Rugby League and the Boxing Academy produced Olympic Gold medallist Nicola Adams and World Champion Anthony Crolla. As Bradford College International Project Manager, he worked closely with former Minister for Sport and Bradford MP, Gerry Sutcliffe, on the London 2012 Olympiad and the Advanced Apprenticeships in Sporting Excellence programme. Ronnie is now an International Sports & Education consultant.