Community Campus
Collaboration & Partnership

Campus Groups
Youthwise Activities,
SCLP Training &
Stakeholder Partnerships

Map, Track and Measure
Outputs and Outcomes for
Youthwise Activities,
SCLP Training and
Stakholder Partners for
Sustainable Impact

Facilities & Stakeholder Partners

Social Coaches

Youthwise -
Sport, Arts, Culture & Digital Activities
Community Campus Explained
Introduction to the Community Campus
The Youth Charter Community Campus has been developed as a result of the agency’s 31 years of work in communities; urban, suburban and rural, locally, nationally and internationally.
As part of the bidding, hosting and legacy of major games, the Community Campus provides a coordinated and holistic approach in the development, delivery and sustainability of young people and communities within the regeneration and renewal strategies of public, private and third sector agencies.
The Community Campus is a unique model providing an opportunity to bring together policy, delivery and impact in the current Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) movement.
The Community Campus has three main elements:
Engage young people through sport, art, cultural and digital activity
Equip them with mental, physical and emotional life-skills and resilience
Empower them with the aspiration of further and higher education, employment and entrepreneurship.
What is a Community Campus?
A Community Campus is made up of hub facilities, such as schools, community centres, youth clubs, sports centres, further and higher education institutions or any facility delivering a youth cultural engagement provision. Each facility is quality assured in the delivery of the Social Coach Leadership Programme and the Youthwise offer.
How does it work?
The Community Campus is delivered through three key themes:
Somewhere to Go
Something to Do
Someone to Show Them
A unique multi media interactive digital platform has been designed for each participant and Social Coach delivering the activities within each of the facilities that make up the Community Campus. This provides the ability to map, track and measure the participation outputs and outcomes of the wider social and cultural behavioural lifestyle trends that inform the economic investment that we seek to attract.
What are the benefits?
The Youth Charter Community Campus provides a social, cultural and economic opportunity for young people and communities across all six continents. The aim is to establish a global network of campuses that provide a cultural framework and a model of delivery to promote innovative and dynamic approaches within the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Community Campus Portal and App
​The Community Campus Portal and App provides a Project Management Platform for Stakeholder Partners and Social Coaches to plan, prepare and deliver Youthwise Projects (sport, art, culture and digital activities) with young people and their communities, and to map, track and measure the Impact Outputs and Outcomes in line with Youth Charter Impact Themes and the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.​
A Youthwise Project Manager is currently under development, which will provide digital tools for Social Coaches and Stakeholder Partners to work together to deliver Youthwise Programmes.