The Youth Charter 2016 Games Legacy Impact Report is a four-year review of the social and human development legacy activity with young people and communities locally, nationally and internationally.
Following the London 2012 Games Legacy Pledge to ‘Inspire a Generation’, the Youth Charter hosted the 2012 Games Legacy Debate, bringing together young people from Greater Manchester face to face with a panel representing sport, arts, education and business. The chair was the Rt. Hon John Bercow MP, Speaker of the House of Commons. The discussion centred on how a ‘legacy opportunity 4 all’ could be truly equitably diverse and inclusive.
The debate inspired the Youth Charter 2012 Games Legacy Report, which provided 46 recommendations and a road map leading up to and including the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. Later, at the Youth Charter 2013 Games Legacy Forum, the public, private, third sector and community organizations plus young people in particular came up with suggestions for a UK-inclusive approach to break down social, cultural and economic barriers.
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