The Youth Charter’s Life Beyond Covid submission reflects the agency’s ongoing campaign and ‘Call 2 Action’, with the additional consideration of Covid-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement to re-engage, re-equip and re-empower 1 million young people in the UK, recruit, select and deploy 10,000 Social Coaches in each of the 10 major cities of the UK impacting on the lives of 1 million young people in the UK. Our new digital platform provides a model and framework to map, track and measure the social, cultural and economic outputs and outcomes that are aligned to the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
Life Beyond Covid Recommendations:
- Racial and Social Justice programme to reduce the endemic social, economic and health inequalities in the UK that have been highlighted by the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Increasing Active Travel to improve the health and wellbeing of our communities and reducing the risk of spreading Covid-19 though Air Pollution and reducing the risk of Air Pollution related illnesses increasing the Covid-19 death rate
- Reducing Class Sizes to reduce education inequalities and to reduce the risk of Covid-19 being spread in schools
- Green Industrial Revolution and Universal Basic Income to support workers, young and old, to retrain for a New Decarbonised Economy
- The establishment of a National Task Force in order to deliver the above.
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