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The MP’s Youth Work Review includes the following three key questions:


  • We know youth work is fragmented in the type of provision, levels of funding, across the regions and between local areas. What funding is needed to secure universal youth services to deliver a local youth offer?
  • Starting from where we are now, with youth work delivered predominantly by the voluntary sector, what are the delivery models for effective work with wider children’s services?
  • As part of a children’s workforce and range of services, where and how are youth workers best employed to address the key issues and challenges faced by young people?


The Youth Charter applied our 2019 Youth Manifesto with the National Call 2 Action and a 10-Point Plan for Youth Provision in the UK to answer these questions.


Please see the review report:


  • Moving Forward with Youth Work: An Agenda for Change


YC Submission to MPs Youth Work Review

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