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YC FLAB SCLP Manchester
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Level 3 - Social Coach
Youth Charter and Muhammad Ali Center
St Mary's C Of E Primary School, Adscombe Street, Manchester, UK
The Youth Charter held its first ‘Float Like A Butterfly Social Coach Leadership Programme’ one day seminar at St Mary’s Primary School, Moss Side, Manchester on 1st February 2017. The day provided a unique reflection of the Ali values and how they are applied within a Social Coach Leadership action learning setting. The workshop was attended by 25 participants from 9 education, community and public sector organisations.
The ‘Float Like A Butterfly Social Coach Leadership Programme’ is an exciting collaboration with the Muhammad Ali Center, as part of the Ali Legacy initiatives that are now being developed in his name and is the first initiative outside of Louisville, Kentucky. The Youth Charter’s Social Coach Leadership Programme has been developed with the aim of increasing the physical activity and participation opportunities of young people and communities from the most disaffected and disadvantaged communities. Whilst a number of significant challenges have been experienced, we have now established a Social Coach Leadership offer and opportunity that will reflect a diverse and unique representation of individuals and organisations that can deliver a sustainable social and cultural benefit to the young people and communities we are committed to supporting. The ‘Float Like A Butterfly Social Coach Leadership Programme’ workshop also presented the Youth Charter’s newly developed Youthwise module Digiwise that will deliver this historic first developed as an on-line support network and digital platform that will inspire a global movement of social, cultural and economic impact. The course was led by Geoff Thompson, Youth Charter Executive Chair and Erin Herbert, Director of Programming from the Muhammad Ali Center.

Stakeholder Partners

Social Coaches


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