A National Plan for Sport and Recreation can not be delivered in a silo, it should be part of a broader National Development Plan linked to other related development plans such as: National Youth Development Plan (please see Youth Charter National Call 2 Action); National Education Plan; National Health Plan; National Employment and Enterprise Plan.
Such plans should be established with clear Development Goals and Short (1 to 3 years), Medium (5 Year) and Long Term (10 Year) aims, objectives, outcomes and outputs. These plans should be part of British Law, with governments held to account for delivering them.
These plans would have to be delivered along with fiscal planning, which should be set as a percentage of GDP/GNI. For example, Public Sector spending could be set at 50% of GDP and GNI, and then public spending (including debt repayments) could set against this, with tax revenues also set at achieving this target without annual deficits except in times of recession. UNESCO recommends 4% to 6% GDP is invested in Education, the UK Education spending dropped to 3.9% GDP in 20118/19 and 2019/20.
Please see link to YC submission to HoL Committee on National Plan for Sport and Recreation.
Please see link to report for A National Plan for Sport, Health and Wellbeing.
Whilst we mentioned the funding for National Development Plans to be linked to the percentage of GDP this was not referenced on page 23 "A new delivery and funding structure", but our observations that the current system is “fragmented” (page 26) were included but again not referenced. We have been saying it is “fragmented” for over 10 years and this was included in the Youth Charter 2012 Games Legacy Report, among other related Government Submissions. The Youth Charter’s has a developed a Community Campus Model as part of a Legacy Cultural Framework with Legacy Development Goals that has been developed to overcome this fragmented approach. The Community Campus Model can be applied as part of the Social Foundation of the Doughnut Economics Framework/Model which has been used to shape the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, and states:
“Todays economy is divisive and degenerative by default…
Tomorrow’s economy must be distributive and regenerative by design” (Doughnut Economics)
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