
“I first became involved with Youth Charter as a teenager because I felt passionately that everyone should have a chance in sport like I had, regardless of their background. The charity has gone global, using sport as a bridge to bring even the most
socially-challenged youngsters back onto a positive path.”

"My brother Andrew and I began working with Geoff in 1993. I got in touch with him because I was worried about my brother... As a result of this comprehensive package of support Andrew, my brother, was able to secure a long and successful career in the sport he loved. He never quite made it into the professional ranks. But he enjoyed his time in the amateur game and is spoken of fondly by all who saw him play. He is now an experienced and qualified coach and the devoted father of four amazing and beautiful daughters. He has not been in trouble since getting involved with Youth Charter 25 years ago!"
Kenneth Gayle, former Professional Footballer

“My heartfelt congratulations to you for your extraordinary stewardship of the Youth Charter for over twenty wonderful years. You have provided opportunities for young people to understand the world nearby and beyond the geographic borders of our nations. These young people now see the world of possibilities that await when an opportunity to achieve is offered. I am proud to have been there at the start!”

“I have had the unique perspective to witness the work of the Youth Charter within its birth, development and coming of age. I was to witness the Youth Charters’ growth and impact in the UK and in South Africa. One of the highlights of the many Youth Charter programme initiatives was the Spirit of the Streets Tour of South Africa, which followed Manchester’s highly successful 2002 Commonwealth Games. I had the privilege of hosting the Tour Group with fellow IOC Honorary Member, Dame Mary Glen Haig and witness the development and growth of young people who had been exposed to travel and the social and cultural diversity of the new South Africa.”